Friday, November 30, 2012

Only 8 Posts in 2012?

I received a scam email this morning -- a comment trying to post to my blog. In fact, I didn't realize it was a scam until just now, hours later, looking at it again. Anyway, it got me looking at my blog again and realizing I have only posted 8 times this year! I have the sense that blogs have become passe, but I miss writing here and will try to write more consistently, whether or not anyone is reading my posts.

It's like leaving my diary open on a public park bench, but I am a little more guarded than that. In fact, other than universal emotions, I don't reveal a whole lot of personal information on this blog or on Facebook or in any other public place. That is intentional, of course.

But I am so glad for the scam email because it took me to other comments waiting to post and I was thrilled to see that someone else, Dianna Lord, is trying to find Mrs. Sanders, my/our all-time favorite teacher. [I've had many great teachers, but she was truly unique.] Dianna had her a year or two earlier than me in a different school, I think. I will email her now and find out what she has found out in the quest to find Mrs. Barbara Ann Sanders, teacher extraordinaire.