Saturday, July 21, 2007

Starting Over at Hello

I am starting over at hello with this blog, because I just accidentally deleted it -- and I already had two whole entries. Oh, well. I am still learning. At least I was able to recoup my title before someone else claimed it.

I am titling this blog "Writer @ Home" because that is what I am or, rather, what I aspire to be: a productive, publishing writer working from home. I am currently blogging from my kitchen table, where I am staring into the screen of my laptop as words appear magically on a synthetic page. (A real page would not have deleted itself, so technology is not always preferable - that may become a recurring theme if I do not learn quickly how to avoid such mishaps.)

Now, why I am blogging?

a) to express myself. I may be an intellectual exhibitionist, though I had never thought of it in those terms before. (The intellectual part is also open for debate. I welcome your comments.) -

b) to have daily practice writing on a variety of topics.

c) to analyze myself, though in my case self-analysis often leads to paralysis.

d) to provide a forum for posting photographs, book reviews, etc.

e) to serve as a journal.

No one knows about this blog, its address, etc. but if you have stumbled upon it, or if I have invited you to read it, please know that you are welcome here. I must consider you a friend, so imagine yourself stopping by for a chat and make yourself at home. I'll make the cocoa.

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