Monday, July 7, 2008


If I have any regular blog readers remaining out there (Mom, you know who you are...), they have probably noticed that my blogging intensity has waxed and waned over the months since I started blogging. When I am distracted, I do not blog as well or as often -- I guess that makes sense.

So what are my distractions?
  • My oldest child left on his mission a month ago. He's living in what he describes as an oversized Tuff Shed in dense jungle on a small island. (On the upside, he can see three waterfalls from his porch and the night sky is full of stars.)
  • My other three children are home for the summer, coming and going with camps, etc.
  • I'm working now, though only 20-40 hours a month, and doing what I really enjoy doing (writing for a newspaper) but I have deadlines.
  • Girls' camp...still recovering from that, while planning our post camp party (next week).
  • Team teaching Sunday School each week.
  • Trying to finish outlining and begin writing a novel.
  • Housework, laundry, cooking, grocery shopping, bills...the usual stuff that's always there.

All of those things are good things, so I will have to learn to function despite distractions. Words always help me, so let me define some terms:

distraction: something that divides the attention or prevents concentration

focus: to direct toward a particular point of interest for maximum clarity


Diamomd said...


I am still out here. I am distracted alot also and I only have half the stuff going on that you do.

Allison said...

i'm here, I'm Here, I'M HERE! I love your blog, even though it is one of MY distractions(I'm supposed to be typing). I appreciate seeing that others out there (you) share my plight of perpetual motion, and struggle with the same desires to allow ones mind to go where it wants to go. Keep blogging, Cheryl. You are a delightful distraction.

Mark said...

Dear Cheryl,
I am sure this is a crazy time in your life. You are a mother of 4 active intelligent children and still
working doing what you love. I sometimes drift in a sea of thought as well. You inspire me I hope I do the same to you. Now more poetry.


When I’m still I am moving fastest.
My mind is lightening
Words flow so fast they cant come out.People stare trying to decipher meaning I am beyond them
Beyond myself.
Don’t they know the arch of the universe?
That every thing is nothing
And that I am . I am. I am.
… oh well it will come
Together eventually
I just have to be still.
By: Mark Brocksmith
check out my personal websight

Unknown said...

In a shout out to Mark's poetry, here's my attempt:






bare ... ly
