Monday, June 22, 2009

No More Backtracking

I've said it before on this blog - the first thought I have in the morning is usually the best (most original or insightful) thought I have all day. I don't know why, but it seems to be true.

Yesterday morning (Father's Day), I woke up thinking that I should slice the bread in half for French toast because it so often gets soggy in the middle, so I made French toast for Scott and it was much better that way. More crunchy surface, less sog.

Today's first thought was 'no backtracking.' I knew immediately what this first thought meant because I backtrack all the time, meaning that I skip something because I don't feel like doing it right now only to return later to do it anyway. So I spend my day backtracking and looping instead of steadily moving forward.

Today, for example, I didn't feel like making my bed immediately, but I did. I didn't feel like showering before eating breakfast, but I did. I didn't feel like lacing up my tennis shoes before eating breakfast, but I did. I didn't feel like going to the post office right after the grocery store, but I did. And I think my day has gone much better as a result.

1 comment:

Ivy Skinner said...

I don't know if I have any thoughts in the morning. I should listen more carefully. Actually that's not true. I always lay in bed thinking of all the exercise I should be doing...but continue to lay there. It's sad really. Maybe I should start obeying my thoughts. (I'll have to try your French Toast idea. I hate the soggy.)