Thursday, September 10, 2009

Time to Change the Page...

Sorry I am slow to update these days, adjusting to the working world. This temporary job will come to an end tomorrow when the early voting polls close and I pack it up and go home. (I have made amazing progress on my novel, though. The voting is extremely slow! I've had plenty of time to think.)

First, I should probably give my latest take on the Obama speech to school children (as opposed to the speech before Congress on Wednesday and the two speeches planned for Monday...he's blitzing right now, razzle dazzling...)

Although by most accounts Obama's speech to school children was innocuous at worst, inspirational at best, I still believe he overstepped. Remember during the presidential campaign when Obama's people used children to 'get out the vote'? They even had a web site designed to get children excited about Obama's candidacy. I saw more than one TV interview with parents in November who said they were at the polls because their children insisted they had to cast a vote for Obama. I don't like the idea of using children in the political process or giving politicians access to them. Plenty of despots have appealed to children because children are more easily impressed than their wiser and more experienced parents.

When George H.W. Bush gave a similar speech to school children months into the school year many years ago (early '80s) the Democrats went ballistic and even held hearings on Capitol Hill about it.

Enough about politics!

I am tired. Let's call it world-weery. I'm ready to be home for the next few days to regroup.

Happy weekend!

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