Monday, February 11, 2008

Word of the Day

Being a word person, I thought it might be fun and interesting to feature an occasional 'Word of the Day' on my blog. (As if I hadn't already driven most of my once loyal readers away...)

To be featured on my blog, the words must meet the following criteria:

1. I must not know the definition of the word with any degree of certainty. It must be at least vaguely unfamiliar to me.

2. I must believe that the word would be useful to know. I must be able to imagine using it at some point in the future outside of a standardized testing scenario.

So, without further ado, my first word of the day:

bucolic: suggesting an idyllic rural life; pastoral; charming in its pastoral setting

An actual example found on the web: "Sonoma Valley is an attractive place -- a bit of boutique bucolic, for sure."

Why I chose this word: I heard Laura Ingraham use this word in a sentence the other morning on her radio program and realized I really should know that word!

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