Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Two Brief Observations:

1. If we were a family of nudists, we wouldn't have much laundry.

2. I figured out why gardening provides an opportunity to think. It's because you have big gaps in effort while you put off the next dreaded gardening chore. Just now I found myself staring off into our aspen tree several times (and for long stretches) while digging holes for new plants.


Mark said...

I'm Glad to hear that your gardening. I have always found gardening to be a really good meditation. Like meditation it is some what difficult at first letting go and quieting the iner monologue. I find myself at first when sitting down to meditate in silence, uncomfortable suddenly aware of muscle twitches and itching but if I break through and concentrate on the sacred silence, I feel a great sense of calm and grounding. I seem to have the same sensation while exercising. At first it's difficult as I continue on, forging my will through movement I am ultimately left feeling relax and calm, bleeding out the stress through my sweat. I am trying to walk at least a mile a day, yesterday I walked six miles in city creek canyon, but a few months back walking a block would leave me gasping for air. In conclusion people meditate
using various methods. Jogging, Walking, Gardening, Stretching, or simply sitting still and breathing deeply, but either way its healthy and necessary for good mental health and it beats the heck out of watching t.v. Have you planted the Shakespearian flowers I gave you when I got back from Europe?
visit my blog at

Acton Family Member said...

Yes,no laundry, but think of the sunburns! OHhhh!