Sunday, December 5, 2010

Change the Page...Write About Anything!

Late Sunday night, two stories due for the newspaper tomorrow -- the perfect time to blog. At least that is my M.O.

Anyway, I have one recent quote to share:

Frank Layden , Utah Jazz president, on a former player:
"I asked him, 'Son, what is it with you? Is it ignorance or apathy?'
He said, 'Coach, I don't know and I don't care.'"

Love it! Utah's own Yogi Berra.

Here are some famous Yogi Berra quotes:
As a general comment on baseball: "90% of the game is half mental."[17]
On why he no longer went to Ruggeri's, a St. Louis restaurant: "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."[18]
"It ain't over till it's over." In July 1973, when Berra's Mets trailed the Chicago Cubs by 9½ games in the National League East; the Mets rallied to win the division title on the final day of the season.[19]
When giving directions to Joe Garagiola to his New Jersey home, which is accessible by two routes: "When you come to a fork in the road, take it."[20]
On being the guest of honor at an awards banquet: "Thank you for making this day necessary."[21]
"It's déjà vu all over again". Berra explained that this quote originated when he witnessed Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris repeatedly hit back to back home runs in the Yankees' seasons in the early 1960s.[22]
"You can observe a lot by watching."[23]
"Always go to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't go to yours."[24]
Responding to a question about remarks attributed to him that he did not think were his: "I really didn't say everything I said!"[25]
On the death of George Steinbrenner, the New York Times quotes Berra as saying "George and I had our differences, but who didn't?"[26]

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