Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Regarding my writing ambitions, how long does a volcano have to be dormant before it is declared extinct?

from Wikipedia:


Whether a volcano is truly extinct is often difficult to determine. Since "supervolcano" calderas can have eruptive lifespans sometimes measured in millions of years, a caldera that has not produced an eruption in tens of thousands of years is likely to be considered dormant instead of extinct. Some volcanologists refer to extinct volcanoes as inactive, though the term is now more commonly used for dormant volcanoes
once thought to be extinct.

It is difficult to distinguish an extinct volcano from a dormant (inactive) one. Volcanoes are often considered to be extinct if there are no written records of its activity. Nevertheless, volcanoes may remain dormant for a long period of time. 

This subject seems appropriate as a I embark on a new goal for a new year of writing -- namely, 
to finish, submit, and publish a book. 

I read some advice recently about new year's resolutions, which I will share here for anyone who has a new year's resolution or two:

1) Select 1-3 things ONLY so that you can have clarity and focus on a really important goal or two.
2) List all of  your really compelling reasons to accomplish this goal. They have to be huge, because they will have to TOWER over the reasons you would like to quit later on.
3) Judge yourself on your honest effort -- NOT the validity of your excuses. Soft lies we tell ourselves kill goals and dreams.
4) List those things that will distract you from accomplishing your goal -- forces that will try to keep you in your comfort zone. You will have to be committed to make this change and work hard to avoid these distractions.
5) Recognize that you will be on your own to accomplish this goal, then hold yourself accountable. Do not blame anyone else.
6) Make a strategic plan. What will you do specifically to accomplish your goal? How will it work? List steps in a hierarchy of importance.

So here is my analysis based upon these steps:
2) My really compelling reasons:

  • Because it has been a goal my entire life. I've always known that I am / should be / could be a writer. (To avoid regrets later on in life if I have not really written anything.) 
  • To share my vision and insights with the world in a quiet but effective and permanent way. (Someone once observed that people want to write because they want to be heard -- maybe that's it. I also thoroughly enjoy words and ideas.) 
  • To demonstrate (especially to my children) that through dedication and hard work, you can fulfill your dreams. 
  • To contribute to our household income in a fulfilling, artistically satisfying way. 
3) I will judge myself by my honest efforts by tracking how many minutes I devote each day and how many words I write. 
4) Anticipated distractions: 
  • The lure of the Internet, especially Facebook and news sites. 
  • My tendancy to become embroiled in other people's projects and problems. 
  • Fear, self-doubt, worry. I will need to believe in my own voice as a writer and my destiny to write. I am the only one who can say what I have to say. 
  • My tendancy to avoid the hard work of writing by throwing myself into other hobbies and interests. 
  • Not having a good daily schedule. Being reactive instead of proactive. 
  • Fatigue from staying up too late doing unproductive things. 
  • Interruptions. 
5) I will hold myself accountable by:
  • working on no more than two writing projects at a time (probably one fiction, one non-fiction) 
  • Leaving the house each day for another environment if there are too many distractions and temptations at home. 
  • Keeping track of how much actual time (in minutes) I am devoting to writing. 
  • Keeping track of how many words I write in each session. 
6) My strategic plan: 
  • Pray daily for divine guidance and assistance. 
  • Spend up to 30 min. each day doing the business of writing: research, inquiries, etc. 
  • Spend about 30 min. each day "free writing" on a blog or elsewhere to warm up. [Record minutes and words]
  • Spend 30 min. or more each day working on a piece of writing. [Record minutes and words]
  • On Tuesdays, tally up # of minutes and # of words for the week. Make specific goals for the coming week. 
  • Submit pieces for publication every two months (The first day of March, May, July, Sept., Nov., Jan.) Track progress. 

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.Goethe

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