Monday, May 12, 2008

Word of the Day: Relaxation

I'm about to embark on another vacation, so the word of the day is RELAXATION. I need to re-acquaint myself with that concept. I know it's a universally understood word (unlike my other "Word of the Day" entries, which are more obscure), but I think it's a word a lot of people like me (largely parent types) need to familiarize themselves with.

  • abatement or relief from mental or bodily work, effort, or application;
  • a loosening or slackening;
  • refreshment of body or mind

Last week in Tennessee I realized that a good vacation provides an opportunity to step out of your life already in progress and look at it from a distance. I had a just toured a plantation, so I likened it to the expanse of lawn that leads to the mansion. From a distance you can look at the home and see if its columns are straight or its roof lines are sagging.

You have to step away sometimes to see things accurately. Time will do that, if you're willing to wait. Reading a book will do that sometimes. A good drive will do it. But a good vacation seems to do it best for me. I come home re-vitalized, ready to make some changes.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

i miss sherpa