Friday, May 22, 2009

Movie Review: Night at the Museum 2: Battle of the Smithsonian

Every year on my birthday weekend they start releasing summer blockbuster movies, so today for my birthday we went to see "Night at the Museum 2: Battle for the Smithosonian." (I could practically count my birthdays by which movie came out. We'll have a traditional family birthday party/picnic on Monday.)

I kind of liked the last "Museum" movie despite excessive action, which is a common problem with modern movies geared toward ADHD audiences. As I said in a previous movie review post, I can be entertained watching grass grow if the movie gives me something to think about, but many movies today substitute loud noises and special effects for good story lines and dialogue...anyway, I digress.

So I went to the theater pre-disposed to have a good time but not certain that I would, and the good news is -- I did! It was a lot of fun, despite the fact that a few of the jokes fell flat and the entire plot was completely unrealistic. It might have something to do with the fact that I enjoy history in general and museums in particular. (I've always wanted to sleep in one of those period rooms overnight in a big four poster with a heavy brocade canopy and curtains...digressing again.) The art work on the walls of the Smithosonian comes alive in the film (a la Harry Potter), which was also a lot of fun.

The writers on this film must have had a lot of fun imagining what Napoleon, Al Capone, the Thinker, and Abe Lincoln, among others, would say and do. The large cast was great, especially Owen Wilson (important message from him toward the end of the film, given his suicide attempt quite a while ago -- do I sound like a groupie?), Robin Williams (poignant given his recent heart troubles), Amy Adams, and Ricky Gervais. (He's one of those people who is just naturally hilarious. I really enjoyed him in "Ghost Town" last fall, though that movie overall was a little depressing for me and haunted me for days. Now I can't remember why...isn't aging great?)

If you're able to suspend reality completely and just go along for the ride, I think you'll enjoy "Night at the Nuseum 2."

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