Saturday, May 7, 2011

Bear Lake, Utah on Mother's Day (Eve) Drive

My mother likes to take very, very long drives on Mother's Day, so today (the day before Mother's Day) we drove from our home to Bear Lake via Logan Canyon, then came home through Evanston, Wyoming. We saw feral goats, antelope, deer, a chipmunk, and lots and lots of horses and cows. The color of Bear Lake is always amazing -- so many blues and purples. We had expected to find green spring up the there, but I always forget that spring comes later in the mountains.


Diamomd said...

Sounds to me like the Apple doesn't fall far from the tree. At first I thought one of your kids was writing it. When you said your mother liked to take long car trips :-)

Cheryl said...

You're right, Leah -- it could have been written by one of my children. I definitely picked up my love of travel/road trips from my mom.