Wednesday, June 1, 2011

June 1st ...

Ugh! It's been that kind of day, and not because of the events of the day - just the day itself, from the get-go. Kind of a bummer of a day for absolutely no reason.

But how could that be when it's June 1st? Is there any other date on the calendar more full of promise? I don't think so.

It all began when I got out of bed later than I should have - never a good beginning. Behind the 8 ball from the start, I threw on my clothes from yesterday, hastily made the last sack lunch of the school year for Emily, and raced out the door to drive her to school. Forty minutes later, I arrived home, made myself a glass of OJ and two slices of toast. One fell butter-side down to the dirty kitchen floor..maybe that's when this otherwise ordinary Wednesday started to go wrong.

I checked my four usual web sites: email - no happy news there; Facebook - not much news since last night; the family blog - I was the last one to post days ago; - totally depressing headlines, such as:

"We are on the verge of a great, great depression"
"Economic Horror as Data Plunges"
"America Dithering As Double Dip Looms"

I came upstairs to get to work, but decided to update my online to-do list first. The list is four columns long! I read somewhere that each item on your to-do list represents a burden you're carrying. The self-help guru who wrote that said the best thing to do is clear the list by getting it all done. The theory is that the fear and dread of a task saps more energy than actually doing it.

I got an hour of work done before the doorbell rang. Our dog, Panda, had escaped from the back yard again and was returned by yet another neighbor.

I made a quick list and went to the store to buy a few groceries, then spent a while talking to a friend. (That was nice.)

The day picked up a little after that. The girls came home from school. Scott came home from work. We went for a drive to enjoy a rare evening of nice weather. I sat down to get back online for work and found that the system is work tonight, which is probably a good thing. Maybe I just needed to BLOG (read: vent).

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