Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Desparately Seeking an Agent

Each Friday for the past several weeks I have visited the local post office to send out my book proposal to one agent per week. (It's a non-fiction children's book that I've been working on for several years now...) To date I have received one official rejection - a form letter, nonetheless, from the second agency I sent to. (I neglected to send an SASE to the first agency, so I may never hear from them at all.) I wouldn't say that it's frustrating yet, but it would be very nice to have a nibble, a hint of interest from SOMEone in the publishing industry. In reality, I understand that first books are almost never published without some real effort. If the book is picked up (i.e., sold), I will throw myself into the remaining research and writing until it is complete and published. I'd love to see it happen because I really think it would be a wonderful book for families.

In other news, I am processing loads of laundry and dishes today. (Yes, more than one load of dishes! I made a special dinner last night for Scott's birthday and used every mixing bowl we own, multiple pots, baking dishes, etc. As an aside, I must admit that the lasagna was particularly delicious...)

Tom woke me up before my alarm went off this morning to kill a spider who was dangling from the light fixture in the hallway. He described it as bungee jumping, springing up and down as it spun its web, but when the spider saw me it dropped to the ground and disappeared into the chocolate chip carpet. I couldn't see it at all, couldn't even detect movement. (That's why we chose this carpet. Scott asked the salesperson to show us carpet that already looked dirty.) So I dragged the vacuum cleaner up two stories and vacuumed all over the place before the sun had even come up. I really needed a housework day like this anyway, I suppose.

I think I finally told my first potential reader the address for this blog last night -- my husband. I'm still not sure exactly what to do with it, but I suppose the real purpose fr this blog will reveal itself over time. Meanwhile, it's nice to have one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you notice that I woke you up, too, to kill the spider. Not my cup 'o tea. ~trptbuns~