Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Six Days Later

When six days have passed since my last post about having nothing to say, and I have nothing to add...you know it's bad.

I must recommend a movie I saw on Friday night - "The Bucket List" with Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman. Very, very fun and quite touching. Almost any adult would enjoy it, I'm sure. The scenery alone makes it worth going to see on the 'big screen.'

It's my week to run the carpool, and it's been unusually snowy. Brrrrr. I'm cold pretty much all of the time - could be an iron deficiency, I'm thinking. I am shivering as I type this! And I'm even wearing a sweater.

My man Mitt lost Florida tonight to John McCain, whose appeal is inexplicable to me. If we Republicans nominate McCain and the Democrats nominate Obama, it will look like "Weekend at Bernies" during the debates. We may even have to prop him up. I don't get it. But I do have faith in the process and I suppose everything will work out all right, no matter how it ends. (At times like this, I have to remind myself that it is NOT the end of the world, and, anyway, it's out of my control.)

I have done two things consistently since January 1st: 1) I have avoided drinking Coca-Cola entirely, and 2) I have written a brief summary of the day's events in my journal each day. Scott gave me an appointment book for Christmas because I liked the artwork in it, and since I had already printed my own 2008 planner, I decided I would use it as a journal. The daily space is not large enough to intimidate me, so I jot down a few lines each night before I turn out the light. It's quite satisfying. I suppose I'm just the nostalgic, sentimental type.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

You know, it's possible that the Republicans are going to end up with a nominee that we don't really want -- kind of what the Dem's must have felt like with John Kerry last time around. I can't see how they were really exited about him, and I can't imagine us being too wild about McCain. This doens't bode well...