Friday, November 28, 2008

Nothing to Say Part II

So it’s been a week since I last blogged, and two weeks since I last blogged anything original…It’s time once again to update my site but…I have nothing to say. (Scott says I should do a blog on what to do if your blog is tormenting you…)

I could comment on the movie I saw this afternoon or the book I’m reading or the inevitable change of seasons or the holidays. I could say something political or familial or thankful, but, hey, I don’t feel like it.

It’s been a great day. I decided today that Thanksgiving weekend is the best weekend of the year because it’s essentially a holiday followed by TWO Saturdays then a day of rest before the workweek starts again. And I have been working – just thirty hours a week for Scott’s company for a few weeks until they’ve caught up with a backlog of paperwork. (I still have my itty bitty reporter job as well, though it almost doesn’t count…)

I’m enjoying this temp job in a strange, clerical sort of way. It’s fairly mindless, which allows my mind to wander over a lot of interesting ideas. (I jot them down.) There are people in my new workplace – real people, not just a bird and a dog – who are friendly but busily occupied in their own cubicles. I sit in the south conference room with a fantastic view of I-15, but I rarely look up.

Working has given me a new appreciation for what Scott does and what my mom did (and still does) – how difficult it is to be away from home! And I am only working part-time. Over the past couple of weeks I’ve gotten more and more used to this new schedule. The lobby receptionist knows me now and greets me cheerfully as I come and go. I know the best routes to and from school from the office, beginning and ending each work day with my traditional carpool.

My time at home is spent more efficiently now – it has to be. I shop when everyone else shops. I go to bed earlier.

I look forward to running out of piles of paperwork in a couple of weeks and coming home again to devote myself more wholeheartedly to my real life’s work and to my real dreams.

But for now, life is good.

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