Wednesday, July 1, 2009

'Big Bad Bill Day'

Yesterday was 'Big Bad Bill Day,' as my sister-in-law calls it. It always seems to take longer than it should. I remember years ago watching a woman balance her checkbook at a stoplight, and I was impressed. For me it's a ritual and all of the conditions have to be just right. I chalk it up to PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) from our 'lean' years.

It's always a tremendous relief to be done!

Here are a few quotes I've found on the subject:

My doctor gave me six months to live, but when I couldn't pay the bill he gave me six months more. - Walter Matthau

When I die, my epitaph should read: She Paid the Bills. That's the story of my private life. - Gloria Swanson

Probably the very best thing my earnings have given me is absense of worry. I have not forgotten what it feels like to worry whether you'll have enough to pay the bills. Not to have to think about that any more is the biggest luxury in the world. - J. K. Rowling

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