Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Book Review: "The Uncommon Reader" by Alan Bennett

What a fantastic book! The Uncommon Reader by Alan Bennett was published in 2007, but I never heard anything about it until I stumbled upon a recommendation on my library's website. Tightly written and only 120 pages long, Bennett proves that brevity really is the soul of wit.

The title makes it sound like some sort of academic anthology, but it is the fictional account of how the current Queen of England discovers a love of reading late in life. It's full of political and literary satire and great insight into why people read and write...I've never read anything like it! It was definitely 'unputdownable' and extremely fun.

(I must warn gentle readers that the book has one extremly crass line in it, spoken by an advisor to the Prime Minister at the bottom of page 86, if you'd like to avoid it, as well as one bad curse word.)

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