Monday, January 18, 2010

Pet Peeve #2

While I'm spilling my guts about ridiculous pet peeves which, by definition, are insignificant little trifles, I might as well add this one: labels on fruit!

I know, I know. Grocery store workers cannot be expected to know Brussels sprouts from kumquats, but do they have to label every piece of produce? Fruit and vegetables should arrive from the store as they would from the garden -- ready for anything -- immediate consumption, decorative display, or immortality as featured elements of a still-life painting.

Maybe I am neurotic (I think we've already established that), but I go piece by piece through a bag of oranges removing each and every tag before dumping them into a bowl. I do the same for lemons (still on my lemonade kick), apples, bell peppers...I suppose I could pay twice as much for the fruit and eliminate this problem by shopping at an organic grocer, but my solution would be more thorough training of cashiers so that they can distinguish all of the various apples, tomatoes, onions, etc. at a glance. I realize this is unrealistic, however, so I will just keep pre-peeling my fruit.

Just for fun: Can you identify the artists of the still-life paintings at the top? Clockwise from top left they are Pablo Picasso (probably the least abstract piece by Picasso I've seen), Chris Young (excellent local Utah artist gaining national acclaim), Paul Cezanne, and Raphaello Peale.

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