Saturday, April 5, 2008

Movie Review: Nim's Island

Just home from seeing Nim's Island.

Thumbs up - I liked it. You have to be willing to suspend disbelief and accept some outrageously improbably events, but if you can successfully do that (i.e., if there is a child still inside you somewhere...) it's an entertaining movie. (And it wasn't completely implausible - all motives were well explained.)

It's the story of a girl named Nim (played well by Abigail Breslin) who has lived her entire life on an island in the South Pacific with her marine biologist father. They harness solar energy for electricity to communicate with the outside world. While he's gone on what is supposed to be a two-day field trip, Nim begins answering questions online from her favorite writer, a reclusive novelist researching a story on volcanoes. (Jodie Foster plays the writer, a rare comedy role for her.) After an injury, she tells the novelist that she is 11 years old, hurt, alone, and fearful that her father will not return in time to save their island from 'buccaneers.' After trying to arrange for help from the safe confines of her San Francisco home, the novelist decides that she will go save Nim herself...a difficult proposition for someone who hasn't had an actual adventure of her own in years, perhaps ever.

I wanted to see the movie, in part, because I loved Swiss Family Robinson so much as a child, and this movie did remind me a little bit of that one (a treehouse, friendly, cooperative animals, etc.) Both movies inspire my imagination. They make me want to go live on a tropical island myself.

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