Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Discovery: The World Is Round (OR Life Is Circular, Not Linear)

So I've been thinking about my last post -- this 'discovery' that maximum efficiency does not necessarily equal maximum happiness -- and I've realized that I was working in a linear direction before (do A, then B, then C...eventually you'll arrive at Z, at which point you'll be entitled to some fun). Suddenly I realize the world really is round and that maybe we're meant to live in circles. This also resolves my laundry conundrum -- why it's always there, why I have to keep coming back to it. ("I did the laundry yesterday! Why is is already piling up again?") I'm just coming around the circle again and there it is.

It's all beginning to make sense to me now. I see how it works. (The circle of life, what goes around comes around...Life has always been circular and I've been trying to make it linear!)

And I like it bettter, too. It's hard to do everything in a straight line -- well, actually, it's impossible. Even chores are more enjoyable when they're not on a list somewhere waiting to be scratched off. (Checking things off your list is definitely over-rated.) Outside of a few must-do items each day, I am free to decide how I want to use the time I have on a whim. Life is, by definition, more whimsical this way.

whimsical: determined by chance or impulse or whim rather than by necessity or reason

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