Thursday, February 19, 2009

Moving Along...

My blogging frequency is up because I've been spending more time at my computer this week writing. I delay actual writing as long as possible by checking my email, updating my blog, reading other blogs, etc. I lack discipline!

You didn't ask (how could you ask?), but I will tell you anyway what I'm writing. On Tuesday I was working on a story that takes place on a potato farm in Idaho, which I hope to develop into a novel -- the kind of novel book clubs would enjoy reading and discussing full of interesting characters, moral dilemmas, etc. By noon I had written a few really good pages, and I was so exhilerated I cleaned the whole house.

On Wednesday I couldn't add three paragraphs to it and became discouraged. (Maybe I am the kind of writer who requires a detailed outline? Maybe the story is too removed from my actual experience? Or too depressing in some respects?)

By Wednesday night I had decided to set that story aside and start working on another story (which I have also been working on for years) that takes place at a motel in Arizona. I was up until 1:00am working on that last night, making incremental progress. Each time I pick it up, I advance it just a little.

Today I am thinking of applying myself to a third novel concept I've been working on (for years) that takes place mostly in the mountains of Utah. Three novels in three days and I am seriously considering getting a real job. It would be so much easier and probably more lucrative.

I did take the test to be a census worker a couple of weeks ago. (Working every ten years sounds perfect, doesn't it?) The test was surprisingly difficult, but I only missed one question. That should qualify me for a position of some sort, according to the test administrator. I'm really getting antsy to do something, but I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to full time, long term employment. Working for the 2010 Census would be ideal!

Reading between my own lines in this post I see that I need to apply some discipline to ONE story and see it through to completion and, ultimately, publication. That would be a full-time job and the fulfillment of a lifetime dream.

I wrote a story several months ago for the newspaper about a local women who has written three novels in a relatively short period of time while battling personal health problems and raising two autistic children, which left me wondering - What's my excuse? I am completely out of excuses.

And I am extremely fortunate to have a husband who supports me in whatever I want to accomplish. If I were to announce my intention of hiking to the top of Mt. McKinley next summer, he would start gathering equipment for the expedition. Thank you, Scott. You're my patron and my muse.


Unknown said...

Well, I finally got to reading your blog and found your wonderfully gratifying thanks. You are completely welcome.

Anonymous said...

You could let someone read the parts of novels you've written. Their questions about it would maybe spur you into action. ??Just a thought. You should start a writing club, and give assignments. Would that be more work though? Hmmm,maybe.

Cheryl said...

I'd love to start a private blog for a writing group. In fact, I've reserved the name already. If anyone is interested, please let me know. We could post and comment to each other's posts and ask each other questions, etc. Several years ago, I took an online writing course with a local university and it was fun and productive, but I'd rather do it without having to pay and meet other people's deadlines.