Saturday, August 8, 2009

Movie Review: "Julie & Julia"

It's probably too soon to write the review -- I just saw the film this afternoon, and might normally like to let it sink in a little before writing about it -- but I don't want to forget to tell everyone how GREAT "Julie & Julia" was! I loved it.

The screenplay by Nora Ephron was fantastic. The acting was superb. The settings were perfect.

"Julie & Julia" is based on two true stories: chef Julia Child's, of course, in the 1940s and '50s, and a lesser known (practically unknown) blogger named Julie in 2002.

At the beginning of the movie, Julie and her adoring husband move to a dumpy apartment in Queens. She works in a low-level government job answering calls for the Lower Manhattan Redevelopment Project, a job she clearly hates. Seeking meaning and purpose in her life, she decides she will re-create each of Julia Child's 524 recipes over the course of one year and blog about it. Parallel scenes recount Julia Child's evolution from a woman who merely loved eating and couldn't cook an egg to one of the world's most celebrated French chefs.

This is the only movie I can remember seeing in which two couples were happily in love. I can't tell you how refreshing that was to see on a movie screen! The women's husbands were completely supportive, even in their darkest hours, which is never depicted in modern books or movies. I am blessed to have a husband like their's, though I didn't really know for sure that other such men existed.

This will sound over-the-top, but "Julie & Julia" brought tears to my eyes at least three times -- once out of empathetic sadness and twice out of joy.

I can't recommend this movie highly enough.

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